What do you get when you take your typical science fiction-action film, set it to the formula of a voyeuristic slasher, mix in the style of a Vietnam War movie, add a dash of Bond-like catchphrases, the thematic framework of “The Most Dangerous Game”, and one reluctant Austrian hero? A bloody mess that shouldn’t work but ends up being a campy joy all the way through. “Predator” follows an elite mercenary rescue team, led by Schwarzenegger's Alan "Dutch" Schaefer, as they attempt to extract hostages in the Central American jungle. Once on the ground, they soon realize that the mission isn’t what they signed up for. The crew must endure a cat-and-mouse game of survival with an unseen, alien combatant who actively hunts the group for the sport of it.

Schwarzenegger films are kind of a guilty pleasure of mine and I am embarrassed to have missed this one, this far. I mean, it’s sort of THE Schwarzenegger film—chock full of his most famous Schwarzeneggerisms (“Do it…do it nooooaaaooowww!”, “Bullshit!”, “Mack!”, and of course, “Get to da choppaaaaaa!”). And yet, while humorous, the film manages to play for real (the characters winked in-universe rather than winking at the camera). As someone who buys into the genre, “Predator” remains a completely unique, watchable, still riveting tale of wit, trust, and survival. (I’m serious!)
