“The Thing” is the John Carpenter remake of a similarly titled 1951 movie. The film follows a group of Antarctic explorers who discover an invasive alien species capable of imitating other living organisms, including humans. Initially confused and skeptical, the team descends into paranoia as the explorers begin to doubt and distrust one another, each assuming their peers to be extraterrestrial replicas. The film depicts a community’s erosion of trust with a narrative-expertise apt for 2019.

I actually really liked this film. I love how the flick opens with a helicopter pursuit across the antarctic tundra. I love the film’s methodical build and I loved the practical effects that still hold up in their own way. And I loved the tremendous suspense! The “blood test” scene was probably my favorite in the movie and I totally dug the resigned, uncertain finale of the film. As expressed on Wikipedia (strangely editorial and without a source): “The theme remains timely because the subject of paranoia adapts to the age.” Isn’t that the truth!
