The first of many films on my list timed to a holiday, Groundhog Day is perhaps the most unexpected. One, because after two back-to-back heavy films, a comedy from the 90's seems out of place and two, because frankly I should have already seen it! But I haven't, and not only has this film made several "top comedies" lists but at 25 years old (this month!), it's already a "classic"--so here we are!

I loved this movie. Not only because it's funny, and clever, and has heart. But I found myself relating to Bill Murray's character, Phil Connors, for all of the good and bad reasons to do so. He just spoke to me! "What would you do if everyday you were stuck in one place, and nothing you did mattered?" I may not be stuck in a literal time-loop, but Phil's repetition of February 2nd felt allegorically like any other rut I've ever experienced (and I happen to feel like I'm in one, so this viewing was particularly well timed).

With such a simple premise, the story needs to take its time, and in doing so is where it has most of its fun. What would you do in a life without consequence? What would you do with all the time in the world? What would you do to stop the monotony of a life stuck, like a repeating record? And yet, despite knowing the second act of the film could have simply been a gag-reel, Harold Ramis (and his co-writer Danny Ruben) play with these questions to drive purposeful character development (which is expertly played by Bill Murray). To me, the high-point of this sequence--if not the film--is in Phil's failed, repeated attempts to save an elderly homeless man's life. There are some things you just can't change.

I suppose that's a lesson of the film, along with the wisdom to live in the present and to serve others. It is only in doing so that Phil is able to break the loop. It's a poignant, "It's a Wonderful Life"-styled message delivered in a comedic wrapper, typically my favorite type of heart-warming medicine. It reminded me that, for whatever rut I feel, my springtime will eventually come--it might just take an extra 6 weeks. 😂
